I'm always looking for a new conspiracy theory. The Web site "Vote for the Worst" might actually explain how Scott Savol receives votes. Now, it's all starting to make sense...
So, here at votefortheworst.com, we have a solution. Help us by voting for the worst that American Idol has to offer. That's right, vote for the bad contestants. Everyone knows that the best and most interesting part of the show are the bad auditions. Record numbers of people tune in to see who will become the next William Hung, but why let it stop there? Bad contestants sneak through the cracks all the time. Corey Clark, John Stevens, Jim Verraros, Leah Labelle... they were never meant to win and royally screwed up the competition by even making it to the finals in the first place. It's entertaining and hilarious when these contestants make it past more deserving contestants. Besides, if you liked Nadia, Anwar, Jessica, or any of the people who have been kicked out, this is a way to send a message. The producers have been pimping Carrie and the rockers to win this show since the beginning. If you're an Anthony or Vonzell fan, I hate to break it to you, but they won't win. Why? Because the producers don't want them to. They'll be gone in the next few weeks, and you'll be sad. Why not just Vote for the Worst?
This show is not about finding the next big superstar. Your favorite contestant probably won't win, and will probably get a record contract anyway if they're good enough. Besides, TV is supposed to be about the entertainment value, and what's more entertaining than a fish out of water outlasting the big fish and sharks? The producers wanted Scott in the top group so he could fail, but let's give them the monster that they've created. This pledge is to keep Scott in the competition by voting for him for the entire time alotted every week. Even if you live outside of America, tell people about the pledge and spread the word. If you choose, vote along with us and help keep Scott in the competition. If one terrible day Scott is voted out, VFTW will carry on and pick someone new. But let's not think about that just yet.
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