Monday, February 07, 2005

My Five Star Day

According to my horoscope, today is supposed to be a 5-star day. So, far nothing has happened beyond the ordinary. Here is my day so far...

7:30 AM--Wake up with MJ Cat's ass in my face
8:15 AM--Chase MJ up and down the steps as he escapes the apartment as I'm leaving for work
9:00 AM--Attend very boring all-company meeting
10:30-12:15PM--Return to office and work
12:15 PM--Pick up lunch from Wolfgang Sucks
12:30 PM-- Make copies to take to my boss who forgot to take them along for her meeting
1:30PM-2:30PM--Go to H&R Block and get ripped off
3:45PM-3:50PM--Quick personal call from my friend Joe to discuss his cat
5:00PM-5:30PM--Leave office and commute home
5:30PM-7:00PM--Chill out and watch NY1. Handwash bras.
7:00-8:00--Brazilian Tummy Tuck class at Equinox

That leaves only 4 hours for something spectacular to happen, because this so far, has not been a 5-star day!

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