Thursday, February 14, 2008

the politics of the pussy

Now that Rachel's out of the house and on her little binge-drinking, scuba-diving, crazy-dancing Aruba vacation, I thought I would turn the apartment into campaign headquarters for the East Coast Cats for Hilary Clinton.

ECCHC (which is pronounced just as it sounds and sounds just like my hair-balls) will be working around-the-clock to ensure that our favorite candidate lands in the White House.

Hillary is clearly the most cat-friendly, and this country's great history of First Cats should not, and will not, be defeated. Furthermore, not since the days of Jimmy Carter's siamese Misty Malarky Ying Yang, has there been such potential for this level of pussy in the presidency. Make what you will of that last statement.

To help fund the ECCHC 08 operation, donations are gladly being taken in the form of a 10% proceed from all purchases of Todd's great There Will Be Coffee coffee mugs.

Meowingly yours,

MJ Cat

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