Hostess Anna Wintour dresses up as the Hulk!

I didn't know the Incredible Shrinking Woman counted as a fantasy or a super hero.

I'm not sure what they are going for here, but I have to give a shout out to Posh and Becks.

Like Eva Amurri, I often wonder how I'd also fit into my old prom gown.

Christina Ricci or Dyna Girl?

Isn't Giselle being paid in Euros now? She should have more money for fabric.

I don't have a clever vagina joke or any kind of crass joke Sarah Silverman would make about her own outfit. I do have to say that everyday on my way to work I walk pass Dress Barn and wonder who shops there. Now I know.

A Super Hero in her own right, MJ Blige looks just fine!

Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

Nothing's Gonna Stop Him Now! Scientology Super Hero Tom Cruise drags his mannequin to the ball.
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