Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blogger Relations

Last week I completed an interview about blogger relations for a company that sends white papers to agencies. You just may be reading this blog because you may have seen the URL in this document where I was listed as a blogging expert. I, however, thought it was ironic and hilarious that a senior leader from the company that interviewed me called me today with a "problem" about how the white papers were distributed to their clients and that the other bloggers in the study are pissed. He also pointed out in the phone message if I personally have any concerns about my own reputation being tarnished for being associated with this document that I should call him back and he would explain what happened. I did not call him back as I really have no reputation to tarnish.

I, however, would like to point out that this entire episode ironically is an example of BAD BLOGGER relations since I'm now blogging and making fun of this company. This is not positive PR for a PR company.

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